
AESS (Agenzia per l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile di Modena) is a non-profit association that promotes the spread of energy efficiency good practices and projects in the public and private sectors. As project coordinator, the primary role of AESS will be to provide technical assistance to ACER in the preparation of requests for tenders and EPC contracts.

Responsible for administering social housing in the province of Reggio Emilia, ACER Reggio Emilia is part of national and European networks that promote innovation and sustainability in public and social housing.

Azienda Casa Emilia-Romagna of Parma is the public financial entity responsible for managing and implementing initiatives in social housing in the province of Parma.

ART-ER Attractiveness Research Territory is the Emilia-Romagna Joint Stock Consortium that was born from the merger of ASTER and ERVET, with the purpose of fostering the region’s sustainable growth by developing innovation and knowledge, attractiveness and internationalisation of the region system.
Its partners are the Emilia-Romagna Regional Government, the  regional Universities and the National Research Centre located in the region (the National Research Council-CNR, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development-ENEA, the National Institute for Nuclear Physics-INFN), the Regional Union of Chambers of Commerce, and works in close collaboration with regional Business Associations and Innovation Centres and institutions for the development of the innovation ecosystem of the territory.