
The Energy Performance Contract (EPC) for the PA
Bologna, 26th of February 2019

The energy efficiency market is adapting to new forms of financing, less costly for the Public Administration and able to offer advantages in terms of maintenance and management.

Among these, the EPC contract strengthens the ability of public entities to develop more effective projects that can face the current strict financial regulations, without turning to additional budget allocations.

ASTER organised a training event for the LEMON project aimed toward the PA, in collaboration with the Municipality of Bologna.

The event, in short:
  • The path taken by the Horizon 2020 LEMON project: criticalities encountered and corrective indications emerging from the experience of an EPC tender and the direct dialogue with public bodies and ESCO.
  • Dialogue with experts in the sector: to better understand the relationship between the proposing body and the winning enterprise, analysing the priorities of the PA, the needs of the ESCOs, and then proposing taylor-made calls.
  • GSE for the PA: a direct comparison with the GSE (Gestore Servizi Energetici) and its new support service window for the PA, to reduce or eliminate the risk of non-admission of applications for funding.
The materials of the event (available only in Italian)

EPC and incentives. A modern approach to restoration 
17 October 2018 | Opening time: 9:30
Regione Emilia-Romagna, Terza Torre. Piano ammezzato, rooms B-C-D

The Horizon 2020 LEMON Project organises a training meeting pointed towards Local Authorities, Provinces, Regional authorities and Social Housing sector.

The issue of the course will be to show the results and the criticalities arisen from the elaboration of the technical and financial plans for the energy restoration of social housing buildings, especially for what concerns integration between different financial sources (e.g. Conto Termico 2.0, regional and national incentives, legge 80, mortgages) and the drafting of a technical-financial plan.

A central topic will be the recent competition announcement for the restoration of ACER buildings in the provinces of Reggio Emilia and Parma, ending by the 15th of October, for a total value close to 5 Mln €. The competition provides the use of the innovative EPC financial contract.

LEMON call for tender presentation at the Reggio Emilia Technopole
Reggio Emilia, 10th of September, 2018

On the 10th of September the LEMON project will officially present the call for tender for the refurbishment of the social housing units managed by ACER in the provinces of Reggio Emilia and Parma. The event will start at 9:30 and will be hosted at the Reggio Emilia Technopole (Piazzale Europa, 1 - Reggio Emilia).

The tender triggers an investment of 4,98 Mln€ and tests a new EPC contract targeted to construction companies and ESCos aiming at the energy efficiency upgrade of 297 housing units, whose majority is constituted by buildings located in the Reggio Emilia province.

The call for tender, which will close on the 15th of October 2018, is a key-action of the LEMON project but it’s part of a broader investment programme that involves a total of 625 units and 12,8 Mln € of investments, with final savings in the amount of 4,3 GWh and 877 t of CO2.

The tender documents are available on the ACER Reggio Emilia website (

The programme of the day includes the presentation of the works already completed and the procedures to participate to the new call for tender. The event will be introduced by the speeches of the Reggio Emilia Mayor Luca Vecchi and Deputy Mayor Matteo Sassi. The technical session will be conducted by ACER Reggio Emilia, responsible of the tender and housing retrofit management and by AESS - the Energy and Sustainable Development Agency of Modena, delivering technical assistance for the fulfillment of LEMON objectives. Marcello Capucci, Responsible of the Urban Quality and Housing policies Unit of Emilia-Romagna Regione will close the event with final remarks.

To register to the event is it required a subscription by sending an email to (ref. Mrs. Nilde Romani). The event will be in Italian language.

Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum - Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place 
Brussels, 21st of February 2018 

What are the key success factors for financing climate adaptation, clean urban transport and energy efficiency at the operational level?

The event Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum presented 25 successful projects in 5 thematic parallel strands of dedicated interactive workshops on financing climate adaptation, clean urban transport, energy efficiency in public assets and home renovation in cities and regions, as well as initiatives working across Europe to facilitate the market for climate and sustainable energy finance.

The LEMON project is one of the project supported by the Project Development Assistance facilities co-funded under Horizon 2020 programme.  Since 2009, more than 120 projects have been supported under these facilities (H2020, IEE, ELENA) are expected to trigger around €6 billion of investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy focused on existing public and private buildings, street lighting, district heating and clean urban transport.
LEMON is expected to mobilize 15,290 million Euros of investments in energy retrofitting, in order to reduce the building energy demand. In order to reach this ambitious target, many actors has been and are currently involved in the definition of a suitable financing scheme that will allow the renovation of 622 dwellings. The Energy performance guarantee is one of the key-success factors since is provided by ACER ‘public ESCo’ that will share the risk with a private ESCo engaged with a EPC tender.

The Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum – Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place is organised by the European Commission's Directorate-Generals for Energy, Climate Action and the Executive Agency for Small and medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) in collaboration with the Covenant of Mayors.

Workshop: Provision of Highly Efficient Heating and Cooling Solutions for Residential Buildings Gazzada Schianno (Varese), 18th-19th of October, 2017 

AESS presents the LEMON project during the international seminar organized by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, on the 18th and 19th of October, in Gazzada Schiano (Varese). This is the first of two regional workshops (this one with focus on Southern European countries:  France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, etc.) on how directed work towards consumers can contribute to efficient heating and cooling solutions (products, installer services, other energy services, self-production) building renovation advice; evaluation and recommendations of energy professionals (auditors, service providers, ESCOs, etc.) in follow up of the Heating and Cooling Strategy (COM(2016)51).  JRC is the scientific service of the Commission aimed at supporting the EU decision-making through the engagement of specialists with different background.

During the workshop a great number of organization, both national and international level, were engaged: in addition to AESS, also Rete Irene, Ambiente Italia, ENEA, Altroconsumo and Homo Condomini Tour  from Italy, while from abroad HEP – ESCO d.o.o. (Croatia), FZOEU (Croatia), CEA - Cyprus Energy Agency (Cyprus), Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (Greece), IDEA (Spain), Tighean Innse Gall (UK), Swedish Energy Agency (Sweden), Motiva (Finland), VITRA (Slovenia) e DECO’S (Portugal).

Multi-sector competences and experiences integrated each other during four working sessions:
Session 1: Provisions of Energy Services for Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings
Session 2: Financing options for energy efficiency improvements in residential building
Session 3: The Role of Programmes and information- Successful Information Campaigns
Session 4: Providing Information on Energy Efficiency Solutions to consumers

Webinar CITYNVEST: Innovative financing strategies for energy retrofits
Online, 19th of October, 2017 - 10:00-11:30

Nowadays the technical assistance to the development of retrofit projects is a necessary tool for public authorities who want to pursue large scale buildings renovation improving the energy efficiency of the existing building stock. Horizon2020 Programme supports public entities with PDA (Project Development Assistance) tool to prepare feasibility studies as a preliminary phase for launching renovation projects.
The webinar organized within the CITYnvest project will present the opportunities offered by the European funds dedicated to energy efficiency, describing also the LEMON experience in Emilia-Romagna, as application in the Italian context of the PDA tool.
Catapult Summer School - Reshaping Urban Districts
Bologna, 26th of July 2017

How to manage the complexity of a renovation process? What should be taken into consideration?
The lecture “Investing in building renovation” made by ASTER, presented some lessons learnt from the H2020 projects LEMON and BUILDINTEREST, within the framework of the Climate-KIC Catapult Summer School that engaged 19 students with various backgrounds from all over Europe. The two-week PhD Summer School aimed at turning research into practice on improving urban districts, considering two case studies in Amsterdam and Bologna.
The lecture focused on piloting a social housing retrofit process, basing on the LEMON project case study, with the aim to include financial considerations in the planning phase and better understand how to approach the topic of energy investments in building renovation.

GuarantEE “La facilitazione dei contratti EPC”
Milan, 10th of April 2017

How to support the public authorities to undertake EPC? Taking into account the experience and objectives of LEMON, AESS participated to the seminar “La facilitazione dei contratti EPC”, organized by the GuarantEE project. The project promotes the EPCs in public and private buildings in Europe, focuses heavily on the facilitator's figure, a professional who can be of support to the customer, including efficiency gains, intervention and funding, selection of the ESCO and in general in managing the relationships between the parties to balance the mutual informational asymmetries.
The first seminar was addressed to facilitate the EPC approach in public buildings, condominiums, and how to aggregate projects and make them easier to finance.

Gli strumenti e le buone pratiche per promuovere l’efficienza energetica negli edifici
Naples, 30th of March 2017

The conference, promoted under the CLEAN project (Technologies and open innovation for low-carbon regions) funded by the European Interreg Europe Program, aimed to work together the regions involved as partners in order to improve the effectiveness of their respective policy instruments to increase the energy efficiency of public and residential buildings. University professors, experts and exponents of local authorities presented studies and best practices in the field of energy efficiency in buildings, such as the LEMON project,  in line with the objectives of the CLEAN project.

Getting our homes future ready
Essential skills & innovative solutions needed for a fair energy transition
Brussels, 8th of March 2017

AESS, as project coordinator, participated to the event “Getting our homes future ready” in Brussels to present the LEMON project. The conference aimed to inform EU policy by showcasing a wide range of initiatives already unfolding across Europe, solutions that are paving the way for the large scale uptake of tools and strategies for the modernization of the EU housing stock.

Conference, Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place
Brussels, 18th - 19th of January 2017

LEMON has been presented during a poster session of the event “Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place”, that took place in Brussels last 18th and 19th of January. The conference, organized by EASME, the Executive Agency for SMEs, allowed relevant updates and exchanges among European projects and initiatives working on improving energy efficiency and sustainability investments in buildings.

1° preparatory meeting
Bologna, 21st of March, 2016

Workshop “Retrofitting of Regional Social Housing buildings. Opportunities, technological solutions and innovation”

2° preparatory meeting
Bologna, 9th of June, 2016

Workshop “Building retrofitting: business (not) as usual”